Wednesday 15 April 2020

A few things nates been doing while at home



  1. Hi Nate,

    Wow I love the way you are doing your reading activity in your book. What are you making in the last photo?

    You got a snickers easter egg? Those are my favourite!

    It was really nice to see you on the hang out today. Be sure to join us again tomorrow at 11.30.

    Keep up the awesome work

  2. Hi Nate,
    It was super awesome to see you in our Hang out yesterday, don't forget we have another one this morning. I love how you have been super busy learning. I hope you are writing neatly in your writing book and remember in your maths book it's 1 number in 1 box .
    Miss you loads.
    Ms Tumahai

  3. Hey Nate

    It looks like you have been very busy doing some learning and getting to eat Easter eggs. You're very lucky indeed.

    I wonder, what have you been doing to get your exercise while at home? Maybe you could share some fitness tips with us.

    Take care Nate. Be safe
    Miss T.A

  4. Hi Nate,
    Looks like an amazing time you are having during lockdown,hope you didn't eat all those chocolates.


  5. Hi Nate,
    Great work, with ALL your learning you are doing at home. I think you are at Bubble school, Hope you are having heaps of fun there too? Your `Hope` movie was excellent with the tree having words of Hope to encourage us all. Thanks for sharing.
    From Mrs Forbes

  6. Hi Nate,

    Aw its so good to see your smiley face! I love that you have been getting upto all sorts of fun things! Also good to see you have been doing your online learning! Well done Nate and whanau :) Keep it up, you're doing AWESOME!!!

    - Miss Vili


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